일상/⚽️ 알루FC

[24-25] 9월

letzgorats 2024. 11. 14. 00:09

[09월] 2024.09.29



🏆 알루 FC 24-25 시즌 두 번째 자체전 경기 결과! 

오늘은 부천 클리어 풋살장에서 아침 8시부터 10시까지 총 6쿼터에 걸쳐 경기가 진행되었습니다.


이번 경기의 MOM(Match of the Match)은 박건호 군이 차지했으며, 현재 기록 테이블에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다! 🎉


⚽ 가을 운동회 연기 소식 원래 예정되었던 가을 운동회는 인원 부족과 시간 관계상 잠정 연기되었으며, 대신 9월 자체전이 진행되었습니다.

⚽ 팀 구성 이번 매치데이에서는 발가락 부상을 입은 채로 참여한 김정엽 군이 준비한 제비뽑기를 통해 팀이 나뉘어 경기가 이루어졌습니다.

⚽ 경기 주요 내용 박건호 군이 6골을 넣으며 엄청난 득점력을 자랑했습니다. 또한 큰 부상 없이 경기를 무사히 마무리할 수 있었습니다.


🎉 박건호 군의 MOM 수상을 축하드립니다! 10월에도 알루FC 자체전은 계속되니, 많은 기대 부탁드립니다!

⚽ 가입 문의 풋살에 관심이 있으신 분들은 언제든지 DM 주세요! 언제나 환영합니다! 😊


🏆 ALLU FC 24-25 Season: Second Match Results!


Today, we had our second internal match at Bucheon Clear Futsal Ground from 8 AM to 10 AM, divided into six quarters. The MOM (Man of the Match) was Park Gun-ho, who is now leading the records table! 🎉


⚽ Autumn Sports Day Update

The planned autumn sports day has been postponed due to a shortage of participants and time constraints. Instead, we held our September internal match.


⚽ Team Formation

Teams were randomly drawn with the help of Kim Jeong-yeob, who joined despite a toe injury.


⚽ Match Highlights Park Gun-ho shone with an incredible performance, scoring 6 goals, showing everyone what a true striker looks like!

Fortunately, no major injuries occurred.


🎉 Congratulations to Park Gun-ho for winning MOM! We will continue our internal matches in October, so stay tuned! ⚽ Join Us!

If you're interested in joining, feel free to send us a DM! Everyone is welcome! 😊




Man Of the Match : 박건호


[⚽️Daily Interview]


🎙️1️⃣ 오늘 엄청난 득점력을 뽐내셨습니다. 무려 6골을 넣으셨는데, 오늘 골폭풍의 요인이 뭐라고 생각하시나요? 


🎤 "문전 앞에서 망설이지 않았습니다. 골 냄새가 나는 곳으로 몸이 이끌렸습니다." 


🎙️2️⃣ 오늘 경기에 전영성 군이 불참하게 되었습니다. 오늘의 활약으로 득점 랭킹 2위인 전영성 군과는 3골 차이가 나는 득점 랭크 단독 선두에 오르게 됐는데, 기분이 어떠신가요? 많은 선수들에게 따라잡히지 않을 자신감이 있으신지요? 앞으로의 각오도 부탁드리겠습니다. 

🎤 "이인혁 같은 괴물만 없다면 득정왕 자신있습니다!" 


🎙️3️⃣ MOM으로 선정되신 소감 한 마디 해주시죠. 

🎤 "매월 함께해주는 팀원들에게 공을 돌리고 싶습니다. 저는 알루이고 알루는 여러분입니다."


🎙️1️⃣ You showed incredible scoring ability today with 6 goals! What do you think was the key to your goal spree? 🎤 "I didn’t second-guess myself in front of the goal. I just followed my instincts and went where I felt a goal was coming."


🎙️2️⃣ Yeongseong Jeon was absent from today’s match, and with your performance, you’re now 3 goals ahead of him in the top scorer rankings. How do you feel about that, and are you confident you won’t be caught by the others? What are your goals moving forward?


🎤 "As long as there’s no one like Lee In-hyuk out there, I’m pretty confident I can hold onto the top scorer spot."


🎙️3️⃣ Congrats on being named MOM. How does it feel?

🎤 "I owe this to my teammates who are with me every month. We are Allu together—I couldn’t do it without them."


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